To get the leopard’s prey, recklessly rush to attack the wild dog and steal the prey to climb the tree


A pack of wild dogs happily digging into their meal did not expect it to be short-lived as this leopard ordered himself an easy drive through meal…

Field Guide (Ranger), Patrick Mziyako, was taking his guests for a ride when he captured this footage in Kruger, at Kwaggaspan Waterhole near Skukuza.

Patrick tells the story: “I was on a morning game drive from Jock Safari Lodge when I saw a pack of 9 wild dogs lying down. As I approached the pack, four of them stood up and began walking around. They spotted a small herd of impala 100 meters away to the western side of the road and one wild dog started stalking them. Soon, the rest join in with the chase.

They singled out one impala from the herd and hurried it towards the waterhole which is nice and open. Myself, and my other colleague who was following me, watched as two dogs running on the road led us straight to the kill.

Whilst watching all of the dogs feed on the impala, a male leopard came out from nowhere and grabbed the half eaten impala and raced straight up into the leadwood tree close to the road.

I was very excited because it is not easy to witness such a drama in Kruger. The wild dogs tried to fight the leopard off but it was too late. They soon left the scene after trying to stare their food out of the tree.

This is a very rare sighting. The last time I got to witness this was 7 years ago at Berg en Dal camp.

I would always recommend going out on drive early in the morning, because you can witness things like this without being interrupted by any other cars”.

Leopard attack refers to attacks on humans and livestock, pets of leopards. Attacks have mainly occurred in India and Africa, the main distribution areas of this animal. Leopards rarely eat humans compared to lions and tigers, humans are not their staple food and not all leopards attack humans, in fact they usually only attack humans. human rights when they feel encroached on their territory or because of a lack of food. But once they have eaten human flesh, it will become dangerous, leopards will then not like to eat other animals and just want to eat more people, so usually people will try to hunt for leopards. ate human flesh to kill it.


When faced with leopards, unlike tigers and lions, humans can still defeat and drive the leopard away or scare them away, there have been reports of lone humans fighting the leopard. chasing leopards as in the case of a 56-year-old woman who killed an attacking leopard with a sickle and spade and survived with severe injuries, and the case of a 73-year-old man in Kenya who also chased a leopard. leopard or a lone man in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India beat an invading leopard with a stick, he wrestled with the beast and even controlled it, using a small stick to hit the animal and chase it.

Of the five species of big cats, leopards are the least likely to become cannibals, but leopards are considered carnivores that prey on non-human primates, usually octopuses. Monkeys are small, but they sometimes also hunt large monkeys such as the eastern lowland gorilla or the western gorilla. In some places leopards are the gorillas’ most dangerous enemies, primates can make up 80% of the leopard’s diet so a small child in the eyes of a leopard would not look like much. like a stupid monkey, which is their favorite prey. They are also known as dog lovers and are willing to risk entering people’s homes to kill pets, even hunting dogs, so dog owners in areas with leopards often keep dogs in kennels to keep them safe. keep them safe An injured cheetah can become a mostly domesticated predator if they are unable to kill normal wild prey as domesticated animals often lack defenses natural and not alert.

While leopards generally avoid humans, they tolerate human proximity better than lions and tigers, and often come into conflict with humans when ambushing herders. In India, due to the shrinking habitat, leopards often stray into residential areas and attack people, population growth leading to forest encroachment may be one of the reasons why people People often have to make eye contact with wild leopards, the habitat is infringed, causing leopards and tigers to regularly attack people in India[6]. The majority of leopards in Nepal live on the sub-equatorial plateaus south of the Terai region, in the montane forests. Clashes between people and leopards happen often because a part of Nepalese people exploit forest products in the forest for a living.


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