In the face of the hyena’s aggressive attack, the quick-witted leopard cubs climb up the tall trees to hide


A curious hyena decides to pay a leopard and youngster a visit after spotting them. The mother hisses at the hyena that is hiding while the cub jumps into the tree for protection.

This interaction was caught on video by Abbas Alibhai, who provided it to

The sun was streaming through a cloud of mist, and it was a lovely day. Due to the morning dew, the grass sparkled. The leopard mother was hiding in a tree’s low branches when we noticed her while traveling through the reserve. Her cub was amusing itself down below.

Southwest Kenya is home to one of Africa’s most well-known wildlife preserves, the Masai Mara. The elusive leopard is one of the many creatures that call the reserve home. Finding a leopard in the outdoors is a rare and thrilling experience, according to people. Leopards are huge cats that are renowned for their stealth and independence.

“A hyena that was strolling out in the distance suddenly emerged on the scene as we were watching. The youngster had not yet seen the predator prowling nearby, but the hyena was curious and appeared to be interested in him. However, the leopard mother reacted quickly, hissing and growling at the hyena to drive it away.


“The small cub was able to jump up and flee quickly into a nearby tree after spotting the hyena in time. The cub maneuvered into the tree’s branches, out of the hyena’s reach.

“The hyena encircled the tree’s base. The mother leopard, though, was not about to lower her guard. The hyena was warned to stay away by her continual hissing and snarling. The hyena eventually gave up and moved away, leaving the leopard mother and her pup to go about their day in peace.

Hyenas engage in scavenging and opportunistic behavior. Because they seize every chance for food, they are frequently seen as a threat to other predators and their young. Probably drawn to the scent of the leopard pup, the curious hyena decided to explore.


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