With its small and agile body, the wild dog flew up and caught the antelope in midair


As a wild dog successfully captures an impala in midair, securing a successful hunt and dinner for the pack, this astonishing event came to an end. On the H3, close to Malelane in the Kruger National Park, this amazing moment was witnessed and recorded.

This was another another fantastic thing shared with us in the daily barrage of amazing things. Mariska Oosthuizen, a student of 21 years old, told LatestSightings.com about seeing a wild dog snag an impala in midair:

Wild dogs are skilled hunters because they use strategies that wear out prey before dismembering it when it may still be alive. They do not stalk their prey like cats like lions and leopards do. As they search for a herd of animals, they will become active and keep in continual communication with one another. Once a prey has been identified, the alpha male usually assumes control of the hunt. Of course, this is subject to change because nature occasionally behaves unexpectedly.


On the H3, close to Malelane, a pack of wild dogs had been busy, and it was clear that they were looking for a tasty meal. One impala became a victim mid-air after one of the dogs savagely grabbed it during the initial dog pursuit.

As this was only my second trip to the Kruger National Park, it was a very thrilling time for me. Wild dogs are rumored to be vicious eaters. The impala was consumed by the sighting’s final group of 16 wild dogs in within 10 minutes, leaving just the carcass.

I know others who have been going to the Kruger National Park for 17 years, and this was also their first kill sighting, so I will always remember this moment. Never before have I witnessed a wild dog killing. The highlight of my life was certainly this experience. Although it was tragic, I understand that it is part of the cycle of life and how we were made.


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