The chase between the leopard and the antelope and the fight ended when the leopard cornered the prey and the BMW on the side of the road


This amazing scene occurred when many visitors saw a cheetah kill an antelope in front of their eyes before chasing it into a BMW.

Hardus Lubbe, Petrus de Kock, and Thabane Malatji were some of the fortunate guests to the Kruger National Park on Sunday, March 20, 2022, who saw a cheetah make a kill right next to their vehicles! This incredible sighting took place close to Crocodile Bridge at the Gasanftombi junction.

“We weren’t exactly sure why mother eventually laid down and invited the cubs to play with her. She called one of the cubs back as he made a move to approach the impala. She then slapped them while still lying on the ground. This must have been her way of telling them to stay put and keep an eye on her as she stalks and hunts.

Before she started the run, we were able to count more than 50 impalas in the area. She is such a skilled hunter, waiting for the appropriate prey to present itself so she may take advantage of it. She didn’t even consider the cars because she was so confident in her actions.

“The impala was 150 meters distant from the cubs, far out of sight. The threat was concealed from the impalas. However, despite their best efforts, the white herons were unable to warn the impalas.

Hardus, a different tourist, claims that when en route to Crocodile Bridge, they went around Gasanftombi Junction and noticed the cars waiting, so they too stopped and waited. A little while afterwards, he saw the female cheetah chase the impala into the BMW that was next to their car, whereupon she gave it to her young.


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