Seeing the rhinoceros stuck in the mud, the lions seized the opportunity to attack the giant prey


The black rhino ʟᴏsᴛ her balance and fell in as she was seen sipping from the watering hole. The rhino, who was obviously pregnant, tried to pull herself up onto the bank and nearly slipped back into the water.

Three hungry opportunistic lions saw the rhino’s plight and started to circle the defenseless rhino after nearly licking their lips at the prospect of a simple lunch.

The brave rhino, determined to protect both herself and her newborn calf, is ultimately seen gathering the fortitude to lift herself up onto the bank. However, as soon as she did, one of the lions leaped onto her back and tried to Bɪᴛᴇ her.


Even though the rhino appeared helpless, it wouldn’t be eaten just yet. The rhino got its footing and managed to go back on dry land as the lions sought to snatch it in the water, tactically surrounding it and aiming for its blind corners at every step. The scaredy-cats fled the area as soon as the rhino emerged.

David Wederell, a 31-year-old visitor from the UK, was fortunate enough to witness the drama play out while on a supervised safari excursion. It was tremendously tense to watch, according to Essᴇx resident David, who was able to capture the uncommon meeting on tape.



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