Leopards choose the roof of a car as the place where their children will be formed and born


This was the unbelievable moment that Lila Prisoof witnessed leopards mating on top of visitors’ car!

38-year old field guide, Lila tells LatestSightings.com the story:

“My husband and I love to go to the Kruger National Park in our off time and this morning we had entered at Malelane Gate to make our way to Skukuza to stretch our legs and have breakfast. On our way, we saw a few oncoming cars. To our surprise, there was a male leopard walking along the road!”

“We stopped and saw the male leopard staring into the bushes. We thought he was hunting, but we noticed that he was actually eyeing out a female leopard sitting in the bushes. To our absolute shock, we saw the female leopard jumping onto a visitors’ vehicle, followed by the male. She did her dainty little dance, as they do – rubbed her rear in his face and laid down for him. Never in my life did I think I would see leopards mate on top of a car.”


Mind you, all of this happened on top of the vehicle! Props to the people in the car, who did not make a sound and kept their calm. I have been a field guide for 17 years and do not think that even I would have reacted that calmly.

The leopards got off after their courtship and went off into the bush for a bit. We stayed with them for another twenty minutes or so, after which they mated again and disappeared into the bush.


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