Angry elephant hero rushed in and crushed the fierce lion to save the jungle buffalo standing at the door of hell


In the animal world, the strong win and the weak have been the eternal law. Saying that elephants actively save buffaloes is probably not quite right, it mainly wants to protect its territory.

Discovering a herd of wild buffalo roaming the grasslands, the lions immediately approached and accelerated their pursuit.

Thanks to their numerical dominance, the hungry predators quickly caught the buffalo and rushed to bite it. However, before the fierce resistance of the wild buffalo, the lions had to work very hard to defeat this huge prey.


Right at the moment when the buffalo fell, an elephant suddenly appeared. It moved towards the buffalo while roaring to threaten its enemies. Too surprised by the action of the unsuspecting guest, the lion appeared to panic, immediately “running away to get people”.

Seeing that the buffalo could not get up, the elephant even approached, dusting its body as an act of consolation before walking away.


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