Angry male tiger rushed to use sharp claws to scratch, slap the female tiger painful to regain the stolen prey


Tigers are known for their exceptional hunting skills. Armed with a combination of strength, agility and keen senses, they use a stealthy approach to stalk and capture their prey.

Sambar deer are herbivores found in the forests of India. They play a key role as prey for carnivores such as tigers and leopards.

A video that has attracted many viewers shows an amazing scene when two ancient animals fight fiercely to win a good piece of prey, a deer.

Specifically, the male tiger had just defeated a sambar deer and was trying to drag it to a safe place to enjoy its prey when suddenly an uninvited guest appeared.

The tigress saw the deer and was very excited, it recklessly rushed to try to snatch the deer away to have a delicious meal.


However, when it had just pulled a little, the tiger rushed to attack the female tiger, the male tiger was extremely angry because the prey was robbed.

The fight ensued, and the two began throwing claws at each other. Although the male is much larger than the female, the female does not back down and fight back.

Finally, under the strength and bravery of a pine king ruling the jungle, the tiger won and got a delicious meal. Meanwhile, the female tiger has to retreat away from the place where the male tiger eats the deer.



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