Funny enough, the lioness had just hunted her prey when the male lion rushed to catch the female lion to mate on the spot.


Welcome to another video here on the predators of Africa channel, and no, we are not going to talk about lions mating, in fact we are going to see a rather peculiar scene! A lion wanting to copulate with the lioness as she kills a wild boar.

It’s not a very good time to breed, but the fact is that lions are very active during the mating season, finally being able to mate every 15 minutes for up to five days. But the moment of hunting is extremely important for them, and all their concentration is focused on killing the prey and not letting it escape.

Concentrating during the hunt is a behavior that not only lions, but all predators have, otherwise they would never succeed in capturing them. But even that comes at a price! While you are watching your next prey, another animal is watching you.

Well, in the African savannah many predators live in the same territory, and when you least imagine it, there’s another predator right behind you. That’s how this cheetah, busy killing a gazelle, got quite a scare when the lioness appeared out of nowhere.


That’s what you get to focus on one thing and forget about the world around! But in summary, the concentration on killing the prey makes the predator pay attention to just one thing, killing the prey! And of course this lioness wasn’t going to leave what she was doing to attend to the male, after all, mating isn’t going to fill her boxwood.

Another similar video happened with a leopard, who just as he was going to mount the female, an impala jumps in front of her, and guess what… of course he grabbed the impala and climbed the tree to devour her. And with that we see how important food is for them, nothing replaces that, not for a moment!


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