Outraged by the lion’s attack with leopards, the rhinoceros used his long horn to stab the lion to save the leopard


Rhino wins in melee battle with elephants and lionsThe wildlife camera crew recorded the encounter between a black rhinoceros with a lion and an elephant in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, National Geographic reported on September 21. At the beginning of the video, a group of young lions probes a pair of adult black rhinos protecting a young.

The rhinoceros pair quickly detects the threat, and the larger male turns to chase away the predators. Then, a herd of elephants with 5 adults suddenly appeared. Seemingly realizing they were overwhelmed, the lions began to retreat. Meanwhile, the male rhino is ready to block the elephants.


The elephants appear when a pair of black rhinos are protecting their young from the lions, causing the situation to suddenly change.

Things were quite tense as the male rhino looked like he was about to rush in among the large creatures. The lions watched the situation from afar, perhaps hoping to find a good opportunity. In the end, the elephants backed down and the black rhinos won.


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