The sacred mother-daughter love when the baby giraffe bursts out from the bushes to give the lion a memorable kick so that his mother can escape


The giraffe is a mammal that lives in the temperate regions of North America and Asia. They have a body about 2-3 meters high, a long neck and a pointed beak.

Giraffes have the ability to run fast and jump long distances, making them a difficult opponent to defeat for hunting animals. However, lions often try their hand at giraffes and receive painful lessons.

The giraffe family is leisurely enjoying the delicious leaves of a tree and is suddenly ambushed by several lionesses. The lionesses rushed out from the bushes and aimed at the giraffe family.


The mother giraffe started to run away, immediately the baby giraffe nearby also ran out and taught the lion a lesson.

The baby giraffe rushes out at a fast speed and delivers a powerful butt that sends the lion away, the impact sends the lion to the ground in pain and gives up the intention to attack the giraffe.

The giraffe then escaped with its mother. The amazing moment is going viral on Youtube.


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