A Harsh Lesson: Leopard’s Blind Aggression on Killer Porcupine Leads to Unwanted Suffering


The strength of family affection seems to have reinvigorated, helping the pair of hedgehogs protect their young children from the clutches of the fearsome predator – the African leopard.

The clip, recorded by a tourist at the Kruger Nature Reserve (South Africa), shows the moment a family of African crested porcupines, including a pair of parents and two young children, are walking on the road.

An Afric an leopard suddenly appeared, rushing to find a way to catch 2 porcupines to eat.


Due to the disparity in size and strength, the crested porcupine family would easily become a meal for the leopard, one of the most feared predators of the African savannah. However, instead of running away to find a way to escape, the adult porcupine couple used their bodies to protect and protect their two young children.

Despite the leopard turning around and trying everything to catch the two porcupines, the adult hedgehog couple still have a perfect defense strategy, turning the sharp part to the outside to protect and cover their baby. me.

After trying for a while, realizing that his hunting efforts could not subdue the porcupine family, the African leopard left with pity and started a new hunt.

The clip went viral after being posted on social media. Many people believe that it is the strength of family affection that has helped the adult hedgehog couple to sacrifice themselves to protect and protect their young children.


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