“Majestic Maternal Instincts: Mother Ostrich Defends Her Egg, Confronting Cheetah and Hyena in an Epic Battle”


The secret camera captures the image of a mother ostrich trying to protect her cubs from a scary enemy by pretending to be injured, clearly demonstrating the power of motherhood.

In footage from the documentary series, an ostrich distracts a jaguar by pretending to be injured. When the leopard attacked, the mother ostrich quickly showed it was uninjured and fled, keeping her newborn cubs safe. The video was filmed by the filmmakers in the grasslands of Africa. Film crew of the locator to record family life. The robot equipped with a camera is so similar to the real ostrich that even the father bird is confused. The camouflaged baby ostrich robot joins the newly born cubs in the nest and watches the whole clever action of the mother ostrich as it nimbly drives the jaguar away from the fragile cubs.


When the father bird was watching the cubs, the mother bird spotted a jaguar approaching. To distract predators, the mother ostrich pretends to be injured by flapping her wings, successfully attracting the leopard. When the leopard turned to chase, the mother bird quickly ran away with a speed superior to the jaguar. The jaguar is forced to accept defeat and walk away. In the program “Nature Spy”, the filmmakers use lifelike robots fitted with micro-cameras in the eyes, designed to record behavior. has never been recorded before in animals.

Thus, the journey was recorded, the ostrich family quickly used their intelligence to stop the attack from the leopard causing it to rush away. The mistake of catching its cubs is a crazy act of cheetahs, who possess excellent hunting skills, but sometimes they also admit defeat.


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