Moment of Mercy: Two Leopards’ Confrontation Spurs Wild Boar’s Miraculous Getaway


The saying “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” couldn’t hold any more true than what was seen in this video! It’s a warthog’s lucky day when a rival leopard spots this scene and fights the leopard that is busy killing him, allow the warthog to escape!

Leopard has always been a wild boar’s most feared enemy and it is rare for it to escape from a leopard in a fight. A leopard was capturing a wild boar and the wild boar almost gave up the thought of running away.

The wild boar will surely die at the hands of the leopard but another leopard starts to join the fight. Two cheetahs started fighting fiercely and neither of them could win.


Realizing a good opportunity to escape, the wild boar quietly left the fight and managed to escape. The two leopards fought fiercely and when the battle ended, the prey also disappeared.

The fight between the 2 cheetahs became pointless and both could not get food. Fighting so that there is nothing left to eat.

The great video was posted on Youtube and got over 600k views, due to the lack of sharpness, the number of views was quite modest and the fight took place in a rather dense lawn. But nonetheless, the result still pleases the video viewer when the lucky wild boar survives.


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