Nature’s Cruel Twist: Giraffe Battles Crocodiles, Falls Victim to Lions’ Ambush


This is the dramatic moment a doomed giraffe struggles to see off a crocodile that attacked next to a watering hole, before being eaten by lions.

The giraffe was lying flat on the sand when it tried to stand up and pulled into view a monster crocodile that was latched to his leg.

But the giraffe failed to get to his feet and crashed to the ground, trying but not succeeding in escaping the jaws of the giant croc.

The astonishing footage was captured by freelance field guide and safari company owner Mario Paul, near Lower Sabie in South Africa.

After leaving their breakfast stop the guide and his group were searching for a leopard when they saw a herd of giraffes staring into the riverbed.

They initially thought the giraffe might have stumbled but instead the crocodile, which Mario estimates was up to five metres long, came into view.


‘We sat there for over an hour, hoping the giraffe would somehow manage to escape the jaws of this giant croc,’ said Mario.

‘Every time the giraffe tried to get up my guests and I started tried to encourage the giraffe in the hope that it might help, but, every time we were met by the crushing fall of this unfortunate giraffe.’

An hour later the giraffe had still not shaken the crocodile off, but when it eventually let go the giraffe had broken his leg and was unable to move.

By the next day the resident pride of lions had come across the giraffe and finished it off.


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