The Young Warrior: Buffalo Calf’s Heroic Struggle Against Hyena Before Its Mother’s Timely Intervention


The natural world with many wonderful things is waiting for us. As an animal lover, man is very interested in battles where the prey or the weaker wins.

A buffalo calf overcame a hyena before being miraculously rescued by its mother.

The video is posted on Youtube and has 2 parts. In the video, the buffalo calf lost its mother facing a hyena. It can be seen that the sizes of the two animals are about the same.

The hyena does not bite the buffalo calf’s neck but instead bites the buffalo calf’s ear with the intention of pulling the buffalo down and knocking it down.


The buffalo calf tried not to let the hyena carry out its plan and persevered. When both were tired and the buffalo calf had to lie down to rest. The buffalo calf’s ear was also seriously injured. At that moment the mother buffalo returned and the hyena had to flee.



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