The Mother’s Fury: Lion’s Gruesome Massacre of Wild Boar Family Sparks an Aggressive Response from the Mother Pig


The lion is the most feared predator on the African savannah. With an unlimited menu, they can deal with almost any herbivore. Lions kill and eat buffalo on a regular basis. In some areas, the African buffalo is the lions’ main prey. But this time his prey was a large adult wart.

An adult wild boar is not easy prey for a lion. But in return, if he succeeds, the lion will get a comfortable meal for his cubs. While she was observing the cubs, the lioness also took advantage of the observation and discovered an adult wild boar.


An expert predator, the lioness moves smoothly, using the tall grass to get close to her prey without being noticed. Approaching the prey at a sufficient distance, the predator immediately rushes like an arrow towards the prey.

Thanks to the strength and bravery of the top predator of the steppe, it quickly brings down its prey and lures it towards its cubs to enjoy.


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