The Perilous Hunt: Ravenous Leopard’s Recklessness Ends in Tragic Death, Wildebeest Sent Soaring into the Air


Leopars can run more than 60 km/h, leap more than 6 m horizontally and jump 3 m high, can dive down to prey from tree branches and it can also hide in a layer Amazing camouflage.

Although the body is not as large as a lion or tiger, the leopard is endowed with agility and cunning that is unmatched by any other animal. Many experienced hunters estimate that if the size of a leopard is as big as a lion, it will be 10 times more dangerous than a lion.
The leopard’s favorite prey is the wildebeest. Sometimes things don’t go as planned


Seeing the baby antelope being chased by leopards, the wildebeest immediately rushed over.

They knock their predators into the air

In the end, the leopard had to retreat, his body was full of wounds


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