Tribal Valor: Maasai Tribe’s Courageous Act Rescues Young Buffalo from Leopard’s Lurking Danger


Seeing leopards approaching, two African wild buffaloes still appeared calm, calmly facing the enemy.
Discovering two wild buffalo lying in the lake, the leopard gently approached in the hope of finding a hearty meal. However, when confronting two adult buffalo, it did not dare to take action, but just sat on the bank to observe.

Meanwhile, despite standing in front of the predator, the two African buffaloes remained calm as if nothing had happened. Being “taunted” by the opp onent, the leopard still did not dare to take action for fear of being counterattacked by the buffalo. In the end, it decided to turn around and leave.


The leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of four big cats of the genus Panthera living in Africa and Asia. They are from 1 to nearly 2 meters long, weighing 30 – 90 kg. Females are usually about 2/3 as small as males. Although smaller than a lion, the leopard is a formidable predator in the wild.

This animal has a unique body structure, suitable for extremely high acceleration phases. According to the calculations of scientists, this animal can reach a maximum speed of up to 120 km / h, stride when sprinting up to 8 m and they reach a speed of 95 km / h in just 4 steps. run.

It is thanks to these advantages that the leopard becomes one of the most successful animals in Africa.


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