Unbreakable Bond: Mother and Daughter Giraffe Join Forces in a Daring Assault on the Lion for Survival


Normally, 30 minutes after birth, baby giraffes can walk with only a little tripping and within 10 hours, they can run. Unfortunately for this cub, it was a hungry lioness and the hyena showed an interest in it from birth.

The lion and the hyena follow the giraffe mother and daughter, but the hyena quickly loses interest, leaving only the lion to follow. A newborn giraffe was pushed down by its mother several times while trying to escape a predator. After traveling 6 km, the mother and daughter met a “dead end” due to the river bed blocking it. The cubs have not even had a sip of milk at this time.


In a dangerous situation, the mother giraffe still tries to protect her baby. It panicked and accidentally pushed the baby down the slope, leaving the small animal stuck in the riverbed.

The small animal fell to the ground. The lion took this opportunity to take it away. However, the mother giraffe still did not give up and kept chasing the lion. When Don and the others assumed the cub was dead, it suddenly stood up.

“To everyone’s surprise, it got up, but it didn’t last long. Finally, it fell asleep from exhaustion in the riverbed.



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