Surprises in Flight: Leopards Showcase Unprecedented Aerial Prowess, Astonishingly Capture Antelope


This thrilling hunt was recorded on February 2, in Balule National Park, South Africa.

Specifically, while on a tour, Steve Jacobson’s guide spotted a leopard lurking on a hill.

The recorded clip shows that the hunter who was loitering suddenly crouched low and waited for the prey to come. When the antelope runs close, the leopard immediately jumps out of the ground and pounces on its prey. After it missed, it quickly chased down the antelope and ended the hunt.

Steve said: “It was an absolutely amazing sight. I’ve seen other hunts on safari but none like this before. We were so lucky we got to the right place. at the right place and at the right time. Unfortunately for the antelope.”


The leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of four large cats of the genus Panthera that live in Africa and Asia. They are from 1 to nearly 2 meters long, weighing 30 – 90 kg. Females are usually about 2/3 as small as males. Although smaller than other large cats, leopards are formidable predators.

They often hunt in ambush and will camouflage when stalking prey. This helps them get close to their prey and then attack without spending a lot of energy chasing.


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