Unusual Showdown: Gecko’s Tenacity Stuns Civet in Intense Struggle


A civet (scientific name: Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) has discovered a small prey on a high branch, which is a Tokay gecko (scientific name: Gekko gecko). However, things did not go smoothly.

The gecko countered the one who was about to eat him. It bites into the civet’s mouth, causing great pain to the predator. Moreover, the civet cannot flexibly use its mouth to attack because it is held by the prey.


However, the civet’s two front limbs are very flexible (which helps it to pick fruit to eat). Therefore, the civet used these two front limbs to hold its prey. As a result, chameleons were unable to perform miracles and became prey for civets.

In the end, the gecko still had to die before the cunning of the civet.


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