“The Chase of Death: Zebra’s Lucky Break from Twin Crocodile Ambush”


Crocodiles love to eat ungulates. They are large, live in herds, many in number, but the ability to resist attacks is quite low. Especially with the river environment, their chances of survival when caught at the riverbanks is quite low.

This crocodile caught a giant zebra while it was drinking water. The zebra was bitten on the leg by a crocodile with a large long mouth. The teeth so deeply embedded into the flesh that the zebra couldn’t get out.

Zebras want to imitate crocodiles. It opened its mouth to bite the crocodile’s snout, but it didn’t work. With the small teeth of a herbivore, how could it injure an animal with such thick skin and strong teeth?

One crocodile attacked the zebra while catching another crocodile to rush to help kill the zebra. The zebra was attacked by up to two crocodiles, but still, it didn’t work. As the second alligator continued to try to squeeze in, the teeth holding the zebra were loosened. The zebra quickly took the opportunity to kick the alligator away and then released itself.


The newly arrived crocodile not only failed to bite the zebra, but also helped it escape. As the second crocodile continued to try to catch the zebra, the teeth holding the zebra were loosened. The zebra quickly took the opportunity to kick the second crocodile away and then released itself from the grip of the first crocodile.



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