“Wildlife Thriller: Waterbuck’s Heart-Pounding Escape from River Predators”


Herbivores often have to drink water in dangerous rivers when there are extremely cruel crocodiles.

An unlucky waterbuck is fighting an crocodile, and the arrival of the hippopotamus makes the battle even more intense.

The video was filmed and recorded on Youtube, is receiving countless likes and comments from the audience.

The waterbuck was drinking water and was suddenly attacked by a crocodile. The crocodile is trying to submerge the waterbuck under the water, the waterbuck has a rather long time to stay underwater.

But with strong will and the strength of the desire to survive, the waterbuck once again floated to the surface and could breathe. This time, the fighting power of the waterbuck has become extremely strong.


Waterbuck tried to pull the crocodile closer to the shore and tried to find a way to escape. The fight caught the hippo’s attention and it also wanted a reward after the fight and began to approach.

Waterbuck saw the immediate difficulty, so he quickly finished the crocodile by using all his strength to flee to shore and it was successful beyond expectations.


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