“Lion’s Quest for Sustenance: 10-Day Meat Fast Ends in Boar Chase”


While roaming the grasslands of the Masai Mara Reserve, Kenya, a male lion discovered a wild boar hiding in an underground cave thanks to the pig’s sound. The male lion quickly approached the target and began digging in the ground.

The lion’s patience was rewarded when it grabbed its prey without losing the effort of chasing. As for the wild boar, it was wrong to think that it was safe to be in the burrow from predators.

Wild boar is one of the lion’s favorite prey, although this prey does not provide a rich source of food like wild buffalo.

The lioness in the clip shows a top-notch and comprehensive hunting skill. Once again, lions show that they are not only good at chasing, calculating in group hunts and hunting with speed. Although catching prey in the den is not a strong point, the lion does it perfectly.


The wild boar thought the burrow was a safe haven, but it turned out that it had stabbed itself to death. It didn’t take long for the lioness to finish off her prey. This is definitely a nutritious meal that will fuel the active lion for the next few weeks.

The wild boar is a good fighter, especially in the defense of young or in the battles for the right to mate during the breeding season. The elongated fangs in the male wild boar both have the function of digging, foraging and acting as a fearsome weapon. Even so, when confronted with predators, wild boars often choose to run away instead of fighting.


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