“Lion’s Final Stand: Buffalo’s Craziest Move in Battle of Survival”


Buffaloes often run away from predators, but when they reach a dead end, they become real warriors. An adult buffalo has proven to 5 lions its power in a deadly battle.

5 lions chase and surround the buffalo to a river, the real battle here begins. The lions try to bite the buffalo’s tail and knock it down with bleeding wounds.

The buffalo managed to thrash around and escape the capture of 5 lions. At this moment a proudest lion came forward and fought the buffalo.

The buffalo whirled around and looked for a chance to knock the lion away and he did too. The lion was hung on the buffalo’s horn and could not get out, it tried to endure the pain and attacked the buffalo in the face.


The battle was getting more and more intense when it was impossible to distinguish between victory and defeat. Finally, after a long time of fighting, the buffalo also collapsed and left a huge wound on the lion’s body.

The lion later also died from his injuries and was unable to hunt.


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