“Buffalo’s Calm Courage: Grazing Nonchalantly Amidst Hyena Onslaught”


Hyenas are quite intelligent and cunning animals. They have the habit of hunting in groups and are active at night. Thanks to the communication through sound, posture and other signs, making hyenas work together very well.

The sly hyenas have long been branded as cowards and scavengers. In fact, they are powerful predators, not only picking up carcasses, but also regularly hunting and killing prey within their range.

Hyenas are opportunistic stalkers to rob other animals of food. However, in fact they still hunt and can defeat even a large buffalo. This is considered a prey that few predators can defeat except lions and crocodiles.


In the video, a herd of hyenas is teaming up to attack a large wild buffalo. Instead of taking down their prey by attacking directly, the hyenas choose to attack from behind. Then, they will slowly eat their prey.

Surprisingly, despite being attacked by dozens of hyenas, this wild buffalo did not show any pain or try to run away. It even leisurely grazed the grass as if nothing had happened.

The video ends when the end of the buffalo is unknown, but with such aggressive hyenas, it is difficult for it to keep its life.



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