Giant Elephant Encounters Herd Of 20 Hippos, What Happened Was So Surprising And Admirable


Contrary to how they are occasionally portrayed in the media, hippos are among the ᴅᴇᴀᴅliest animals in the world. Most animals are conscious to stay away from them because they are aggressive and extremely territorial beasts.

When a tourist group noticed an elephant wading into the river, they prepared for the worst. The water horses were dwarfed by this “big-tusker” elephant, but there were also more than 20 floating hippos. It initially seemed to be at a stop. The elephant drank water and poured it across the hippos’ backs while they lazed in the river. The elephant then continued while flapping its ears.

The hippos found a way to avoid the kind giant. One critic was intrigued by how much regard the two creatures had for one another. The hippos cleared a path for the elephant as it sailed across the river. That this magnificent video has nearly 6 million views is understandable. This little film continues to captivate viewers’ attention and inspire wonder nearly 15 years after it was taken.


The hippos allowed him plenty of room as he crossed the river, and the elephant did not even cast a backward glance. The ғᴇᴀʀless animal started chewing on the ɢʀᴀss as soon as he got to the opposite side. Although hippopotami are potentially hazardous, this elephant showed an unequaled sense of power and grace. The king of the forest can only be one, and in this instance it was an elephant.



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