Nature’s Warrior: Angry Mother Ostrich Fends off Lion, Delivering Powerful Kicks to Ensure Cubs’ Safety.


The battle for survival in the natural world is extremely harsh. The lions have made many viewers feel cold before the cruelty of wild nature with the extremely brutal slaughter of ostriches.


One bright morning when seeing the first ray of sunshine in life, the baby ostriches were able to follow their parents to find food. However, their first steps in life quickly turned into a tragedy before the lionesses. More specifically, in the video, the whole family of ostriches can be seen wandering in the meadow in search of food when suddenly a lion rushes to attack. The lion rushed like lightning and grabbed each ostrich, the newly hatched ostriches were extremely weak, they could not resist the lion king. Witnessing the baby ostrich being killed by a lion, the mother ostrich was extremely angry.

With boundless love, he did not accept his son’s departure, immediately rushed up fiercely with long legs to kick the lion in the face consecutively. Before the sudden attack, the lion only knew how to quickly run away in fear. In the end, the ostrich also chased the lion but was unable to protect its young. The ostrich is a large bird but has a rather timid temperament. This bird tends to run away when in danger. Their long and dexterous legs allow them to escape quickly. In the event of an emergency, the ostrich can launch a powerful kick that stuns and even injures the enemy.

In the natural world there is no love like a mother’s love, the lion made the mistake of choosing the wrong target and had to receive a memorable lesson for life. Not only that, the predator is not always successful in a double battle because it has to pay for the stupid choice.


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