Deadly Lure: Tourist’s Stupid Act Leads Wild Boar into the Jaws of Crocodiles in the River


Alligator ambushes are the stuff of nightmares. The ominous and silent approach, hiding unseen just underneath the water’s surface, and waiting until the prey is just about close enough to snatch. The rest is… well, you’ll see.

In this video, we have a reminder that you can’t be too careful when alligator are around. A feral pig is taking a strangely hesitant drink from its local watering hole, as if it knows that danger is lurking nearby.


For some reason, it is not quite cautious enough, and keeps venturing out into the water as the silent predator creeps in slowly, getting ever closer to the poor pig.

When looking closely, you realize that it is actually a cruel act from the members of the boat. They are luring it into the water with bait, and this cruel act ends in the death of the pig.

“We need to feed him one of these pigs,” a man seems to say off-camera in the video.

When the gator finally snaps, the pig tries its hardest to escape, but perhaps the grim ending was inevitable as soon as the alligator’s powerful jaws clamped down.

Due to the video quality it is unclear what actual species of crocodilian is attacking the pig — it may be an alligator, or perhaps a crocodile — but one thing is definitely not unclear — how powerful this creature is.


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