Soulmates Reunite: Wild Horse’s Tearful Reunion With Longing Soulmate After Extended Absence


This heartwarming sᴄᴇɴᴇ shows the reunion of a wild horse and his love after two years of separation. But without the incredible people at the Skydog Sanctuary, who devote their lives to saving mustangs, none of this would have been possible.

It’s unusual for animals to form lifetime connections, yet wild horses (and a few other species) do. That explains why they resemble one another so much. That’s why this reunion was so emotional, after all!

The photograph shows the magnificent Phoenix, a wild stallion, just escaping captivity. When the mustang managed to free himself, he went back to save his soulmate Ghost, who was still being held hostage there with other wild horses.

While browsing the internet, Clare Staples, CEO of the Skydog Sanctuary, stumbled upon a lovely image posted by the American Wild Horse Campaign. The wOᴍᴀɴ was so sʜᴏᴄᴋed by it that she resolved to do everything in her power to bring the two horses back together. But the task would be difficult!

Clare and her committed team made an effort to adopt both horses, but were unsuccessful. The wOᴍᴀɴ added that they were glad to learn that both Phoenix and his female partner would be released back into the wild at some point. Nevertheless, the likelihood of them being released was decreasing every day.


Over a year later, Phoenix was still being held captive, and Ghost was nowhere to be discovered. Clare learned that the mustang might not actually be let go in the wild. She then put in a request to adopt the stallion. Clare was upset that she was unable to reunite Phoenix with his soulmate despite her success.

However, when you are driven to succeed and never give up, there is always a reward. Clare understood this very well. She and her colleagues finally accomplished the seemingly impossible story after more than two years. Finally, Phoenix and Ghost are together! Naturally, the two stunning horses’ reunion after a long separation caused a lot of emotion.


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