“Jungle Heroes: Elephants’ Fearless Stand Against a Menacing Pack of Predators”


Elephants and rhinos are the two largest herbivores in the wild. Sometimes, the wars between them happen because of territorial conflicts. They fight over water or food.

Elephants have the advantage of body, it owns a body many times larger than rhinoceros. That’s why it actively challenged first. It moved towards the rhinoceros, using its tusks to ram the animal’s side.

Although rhinos have a smaller appearance, they possess a sharp horn right in front of their nose, it is also not afraid to confront forest elephants, so it immediately turns back to counterattack.


The rhinoceros’ butts hit the elephant with a fatal blow, its body size was just enough for the sharp horn to stab directly into the neck of the huge elephant.

Even so, this attack was unharmed against the elephant’s thick skin. In the end, the rhino was driven out of the territory by the elephant.

Although fearless, but rhinoceros can hardly win against wild elephants.


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