“Deadly Aura: Lions Retreat in Apprehension from a Deceased Hippo”


In a shocking clip filmed at the Kruger National Park in South Africa, a lioness is seen perched atop an already dead hippo.

The giant beast appears to have been dead for some days, it’s bloated body left floating upside down in a water hole.

The lion takes its chance to devour the animal’s remains and for some reason has chosen to start by eating away at the dead hippos bum.


But things take a sudden downward turn when after just seconds of feasting, the animal’s bowels explode – shooting out a gruesome mixture of gas, unknown liquid and internal organs.

The entire pride of lions quickly scarper after the horror incident.

The video has been seen more than 14 million times on YouTube and has been causing a stir on social media after it resurfaced online this week.


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