“Herd’s Vengeance: Buffalo Leader Leads Massive Charge to Confront Lion in Payback”


Adult buffalo can weigh up to a ton and they live in herds. Tons of meat equipped with hard horns on their heads are not afraid of any carnivores in Africa but lions. If the herds of hyenas or leopards see a herd of wild buffalo, they should find a way to stay away to leave the matter alone. Only lions dare to think of catching buffalo as a meal.

But lions are also very tired of buffalo and must arrange a very elaborate battle to capture this dangerous prey. What if the lonely and weak lion faced the herd of wild buffalo? They should run away before being surrounded and destroyed by buffalo.

In this clip, an old lion has been trapped by a herd of buffalo. It seems to have been seriously injured by a buffalo and had no chance to escape. The buffaloes seemed very angry when faced with the enemy who had killed their fellow human beings and organized questioning. One by one, the buffalo rushed to use their horns to butt at the lion and trampled the lion’s body with its hooves.


The ending of this lion is pitiful. It was killed by a herd of buffalo and then left. Its carcass will be removed by hyenas, vultures or wild dogs. The writer believes that for male lions, it is much more pleasant to be killed by a herd of buffalo than to be killed by a fellow animal or bitten by a hyena. Male lions in the wild often have a very short life expectancy because when they are no longer strong, they will be robbed by other males and fall into starvation because they are not provided by the female lions to hunt.


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