Super hyena screams in despair as the leopard presses on its body to brutally torture it for stealing its meal.


Hyenas are opportunistic animals, specializing in prowling and stealing prey of other predators. If lions are a tough gamble, cheetahs and leopards are easier targets for hyenas to vie for.

Usually hyenas will follow the herd, taking advantage of numbers to overwhelm the lone leopard. In some other cases, hyenas, even without their own, blatantly rush to threaten leopards to compete for food.

Most of the time, the cheetah will leave the bait to avoid unnecessary fighting. However, if a hyena is discovered without a group, some leopards will return to attack the bandits.


Attacked by the leopard, the hyena tries its best to protect its spoils, but it understands itself that it cannot defeat the tough and strong mortar opponent.

After a long struggle, the leopard finally regained its prey, immediately climbing up the tree to avoid the eyes of the enemy.

The defeated hyena could only pick up the pieces of meat that were scattered on the ground, hoping for something to eat.


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