Being attacked and bitten by a lion persistently for 6 hours the angry giraffe attacks the lions to end the battle


It is known that this dramatic video was recorded by tour guide Emily Whiting at the Klaserie nature reserve, South Africa. She said, in her whole life leading visitors to her sanctuary, she has never witnessed such an interesting sight.

According to eyewitnesses, a giraffe was leisurely looking for food when suddenly caught in the sight of the lions. The predators had been stalking and waiting for the deer to lower its head, then immediately jumped on the attacker.

In the image recorded, one lioness jumped up to bite the giraffe’s back, while two other lions grabbed their hind legs to try to knock down the prey. Even alone, the giraffe tenaciously clings to it and tries to move.


During 4 hours of struggle, the giraffe had many wounds on its body. However, it still managed to kick one of the flocks with its legs and break out of the encirclement.

The long battle has made the lions exhausted, finally they give up and let go of this stubborn prey.



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