Terrified with the cruelty and callousness of the lion when killing and dragging the giant buffalo carcass across the road


After a fierce conflict with the herd, a large male lion carries a full buffalo by himself. He then consumes it on the opposite bank of the river.

Louis Strauss, a guide at the Jock Safari Lodge in the Kruger National Park, saw this amazing demonstration of strength and power. This sighting was reported by Louis to LatestSightings.com.

“We were pursuing a male lion when he came upon a herd of 100 buffalo close to the Biyamiti river. As soon as they appeared, we could see his predatory instincts at work. He knelt down and started stalking the unwary herd.

“The lion dashed towards the middle of the herd with a burst of speed. The two of them tumbled down the river embankment when he managed to get hold of one of the herd’s animals.

“The remainder of the buffalo herd turned on the lion right away, attempting to drive him away from their dead companion. The lion, though, was unfazed and went back to the buffalo to finish the job. In my time spent in the jungle, I have witnessed many amazing things, but this was genuinely amazing to observe.


Lions are extraordinarily strong animals, able to take down anything that is much bigger than themselves because to their strong jaws and tremendous muscles. They may also drag dead animals over large distances. For lions, this adaption is crucial because it enables them to protect their kills from scavengers.

The buffalo carcass was eventually dragged across the entire riverbank by the lion on his own. Then, in the cover of some nearby shrubs, he started to eat his well-earned dinner.

“As a guide, I have the honor of regularly seeing these amazing happenings. It serves as a reminder of the value of conservation and our duty to save these great animals and their habitats so that present and future generations may enjoy them.



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