The endless battles of buffalo with lions: Where there are lions and buffaloes, blood is shed


One fine day, the wild buffalo roamed around looking for food. Tired and hungry, the buffalo accidentally discovered a large field planted with wheat and cashew nuts. The buffalo was very happy and started eating and drinking.

Unfortunately for the buffalo, though, it’s the domain of a pack of ferocious lions. When the lions discovered the buffalo, they immediately rushed to attack. The buffalo was surprised and frightened, running away to save his life.

However, while running at high speed, the buffalo was almost caught up by the lion.

But the buffalo did not surrender, after calming down, it returned to fight with the last of its strength and gored the lion. The lion was repelled and frightened, and quickly ran away.


Then, both sides looked at each other apprehensively. The wild buffalo has proven he is not easily bullied and is ready to fight to protect himself. Meanwhile, the lion also understands that buffalo is not an easy prey to catch.

In the end, the buffalo escaped the chase and returned to safety. From there, he learned that sometimes when facing danger, he should fight to the end to survive and protect himself.


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